St Johns Camberwell


Same-sex relationships
and civil partnerships…

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St. John’s offers welcome and support to all who wish to live in loving, faithful, committed relationships, whatever their gender.

Civil Partnerships

Couples entering a Civil Partnership are welcome to attend any service at St. John’s, with friends and family, to hear the scriptures, pray, and, where appropriate, receive Communion.

Marriage Blessings and Re-affirmation of Vows

St. John’s offers a number of options for couples who wish to celebrate or strengthen and renew their commitment to one another, including Services of Prayer and Dedication after a Civil Marriage.

Same-Sex Couples

Same sex couples will receive a warm welcome and affirmation at St. John’s. Our clergy will offer support and guidance to all who wish to live in a loving, faithful, and committed relationship, whatever their gender. At present, we are not permitted by Australian law to marry people of the same sex.

For more information, please contact Fr John Baldock at